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Childcare Provider Allegedly Owes Staff Thousands in Unpaid Superannuation

A childcare provider, Genius Education, is under scrutiny for allegedly failing to pay its South Australian employees their entitled superannuation funds. The company, which has faced closure due to regulatory concerns, left staff like Rosa, a former educator at the Blair Athol center, feeling abandoned and financially strained. The abrupt closure of the center, marked by the removal of essential resources and furniture, left employees without the chance to bid farewell to the children and families they had nurtured relationships with.

Rosa, along with her colleagues, claims to be owed substantial amounts in unpaid superannuation, adding to their financial distress. The United Workers Union has taken legal action against Genius Education, estimating the total unpaid superannuation debt to be over $7 million. The ongoing court case seeks to hold the company accountable for breaching employment laws and failing to fulfill its financial obligations to employees.

Despite operating under a new name, ‘Abacus 49 Pty Ltd’, Genius Education continues to expand its childcare services across Australia, raising concerns about its commitment to meeting regulatory standards and honoring financial commitments to its workforce. Education Minister Blair Boyer has highlighted the lack of approval applications from the company for its upcoming childcare sites, indicating potential regulatory oversights.

The situation at Genius Education underscores broader issues within the for-profit childcare sector, prompting calls for enhanced public provision of early childhood education and care services. The United Workers Union remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice for affected employees, emphasizing the need to recover unpaid funds and hold accountable companies engaging in exploitative practices. The unresolved financial discrepancies at Genius Education serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerability faced by workers in industries where regulatory oversight and enforcement are critical to safeguarding employees’ rights and financial well-being.


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