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How do I check my superannuation balance?

In Australia, superannuation (super) is a nest egg set aside for your retirement. Understanding how much you have accumulated and where it’s invested is crucial for planning your financial future. There are several ways to check your super balance, all relatively simple and convenient. This article will guide you through the process of finding out how much you’ve saved for retirement.

The Power of MyGov

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) offers a one-stop shop for managing your super through the myGov website ( If you haven’t already, creating a myGov account is a great first step. Once you’ve established your account and linked it to the ATO, you can access a wealth of information about your super, including your total superannuation balance (TSB).

Here’s how to find your TSB on myGov:

  1. Sign in to your myGov account.
  2. Select the Australian Taxation Office option.
  3. Click on Super.
  4. Choose between Information and Manage. Both options will display your TSB.

MyGov provides a consolidated view of your super across all your funds. This is particularly helpful if you’ve changed jobs throughout your career and have multiple super accounts.

Super Fund Statements and Apps

Most super funds provide regular statements detailing your contributions, investment performance, and current balance. These statements are typically issued annually and may also be available electronically through your super fund’s member portal or mobile app.

Accessing your super fund’s online portal or app offers an additional layer of convenience. You can usually view your current balance, track investment performance, and even change your investment options – all from your smartphone or computer.

Finding Lost Super

If you’ve changed jobs frequently, you may have accumulated super accounts with different funds that you’ve lost track of. MyGov also allows you to search for lost super. The ATO uses information from employers to consolidate your super into your chosen fund. This can not only simplify your super management but also potentially improve your overall returns by reducing fees associated with multiple accounts.

The ATO Website

Even if you don’t have a myGov account, you can still access your TSB information through the ATO website ( The process is similar to using myGov, but you’ll need to have your tax file number (TFN) handy.

Contacting Your Super Fund

While the methods mentioned above are generally the most convenient ways to check your super balance, you can always contact your super fund directly. They will be able to provide you with your current balance and answer any questions you may have about your specific account.

Keeping Track for a Secure Future

Checking your super balance regularly is an essential part of responsible financial planning. Ideally, you should aim to review your super at least annually. This will allow you to monitor your progress towards your retirement goals and make adjustments to your super contributions or investment strategy if necessary.

Here are some additional tips for keeping track of your super:

  • Consolidate multiple accounts: Having multiple super accounts can lead to higher fees. Consider consolidating your accounts into a single fund to reduce costs and simplify management.
  • Understand your fees: Review the fees associated with your super fund and compare them with other options. Lower fees can significantly improve your long-term returns.
  • Choose the right investment option: Most super funds offer a range of investment options with varying risk profiles. Select an investment option that aligns with your risk tolerance and retirement timeline.
  • Seek professional advice: If you have complex financial needs or require personalized guidance, consider consulting a qualified financial advisor who can help you develop a comprehensive superannuation strategy.

By following these steps and taking a proactive approach to managing your super, you can ensure a more secure and comfortable retirement.


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