RecruitmentSuper – Superannuation Categories

Unrestricted Non-Preserved Benefits

Unrestricted non-preserved benefits refer to a type of superannuation benefit that can be accessed by a member of a superannuation fund without any restrictions or conditions. These benefits are not subject to preservation rules, which means that they can be withdrawn by the member at any time, regardless of their age or employment status. In this article, we will delve into the concept of unrestricted non-preserved benefits, how they differ from preserved benefits, and the implications they have for members of superannuation funds.

The Difference Between Preserved and Unrestricted Non-Preserved Benefits

Before we discuss unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits, it is essential to understand the concept of Preserved Benefits. Preserved Benefits are superannuation savings that are held in a fund until a member meets a condition of release, such as reaching a certain age or retiring from the workforce. These benefits are subject to preservation rules, which means that they cannot be accessed until specific conditions are met.

On the other hand, unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits are superannuation savings that are not subject to preservation rules. This means that members can access these benefits at any time, regardless of their age or employment status. Unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits are often a result of contributions made by the member that were not subject to preservation rules at the time they were made.

Implications for Superannuation Fund Members

For members of superannuation funds, having unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits can provide a sense of financial flexibility and security. These benefits can be accessed in times of need, such as a medical emergency or unexpected financial hardship, without having to meet any specific conditions. This can be particularly beneficial for members who may need access to their superannuation savings before they reach Preservation Age.

Unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits can also offer members the opportunity to make strategic financial decisions. For example, a member may choose to access these benefits to pay off debt, invest in property, or start a business. By having access to these funds without restrictions, members can take advantage of opportunities that may arise and improve their financial situation.

Factors to Consider

While unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits can be a valuable asset for Superannuation Fund members, there are some factors to consider before accessing these benefits. It is important for members to understand the tax implications of withdrawing superannuation savings, as accessing these benefits may have an impact on their overall tax position.

  • Members should also consider their long-term financial goals and how accessing unrestricted non-preserved benefits may affect their retirement savings. It is essential to weigh the benefits of accessing these funds against the potential impact on future financial security.
  • Additionally, members should be aware of any fees or charges associated with withdrawing superannuation savings, as these costs can reduce the overall amount available for withdrawal.


Unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits offer Superannuation Fund members the flexibility to access their savings without restrictions. These benefits can provide financial security in times of need and allow members to make strategic financial decisions. However, it is important for members to consider the implications of accessing these benefits and to seek professional financial advice to ensure they make informed decisions about their superannuation savings.

Overall, unrestricted non-Preserved Benefits are a valuable feature of superannuation funds that can benefit members in various ways. By understanding how these benefits work and the factors to consider before accessing them, members can make the most of their superannuation savings and achieve their financial goals.