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What happens to my superannuation if I change jobs?

Changing jobs is an exciting time, but it can also raise questions about your financial well-being. One key concern is the fate of your superannuation – the nest egg you’re building for retirement. Here’s a breakdown of what happens to your super when you switch employers and the options available to you.

Stapled Funds and Avoiding Multiple Accounts:

Gone are the days when every job change meant a new super account. In 2021, Australia introduced the concept of “stapled super funds.” This means the super fund you have from your previous job, unless closed by the fund or unsuitable for your new employer’s contributions, becomes linked (or “stapled”) to you. Your new employer is required to check with the ATO to see if you already have a super account before establishing a new one. This helps prevent multiple super accounts, which can lead to higher fees and make it harder to track your retirement savings.

Your Choices When Switching Jobs:

While the stapled super fund system aims to streamline things, you still have control over your super:

  1. Stay with your current fund: This is often the simplest option. You can provide your new employer with your existing super fund details, ensuring your contributions continue flowing into the same account. This keeps your investment strategy and insurance cover (if applicable) consistent.
  2. Switch to your new employer’s fund: Your new employer might have a default super fund they use. You can choose to contribute to this fund instead. It’s important to compare the fees, investment options, and performance of both funds before making a decision.
  3. Consolidate into a different fund: You can consolidate multiple super accounts into a single, preferred fund. This simplifies management and potentially reduces fees. Research different super funds and choose one that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Super Fund:

  • Fees: Compare administration fees, investment fees, and exit fees (charged if you leave the fund within a certain period). Lower fees can significantly impact your long-term super balance.
  • Investment Performance: Review the fund’s historical performance and its investment options. Choose a fund that aligns with your risk appetite and investment goals.
  • Insurance Coverage: Some super funds offer life insurance, income protection, and other types of insurance within your super account. Consider if these options are important to you.
  • Investment Options: Some funds offer a wider range of investment options, allowing you to tailor your super to your risk tolerance.

Taking Action: Updating Your Super Details:

  • Provide details to your new employer: Fill out the standard choice form your new employer provides within 28 days of starting the job. This ensures your super contributions are directed to your preferred fund.
  • Consolidate existing accounts (optional): If you choose to consolidate, initiate a transfer through your chosen super fund. They will handle contacting your other funds to transfer your balances.


  • Don’t leave your super unclaimed: A stapled super fund ensures your future employer contributes, but it’s your responsibility to keep track of your account and make informed decisions.
  • Review your super regularly: As your career progresses and life circumstances change, it’s wise to periodically review your super fund selection and investment strategy.

By understanding your options and taking proactive steps, you can ensure your superannuation remains on track when switching jobs, contributing to a secure and comfortable retirement.


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